The suggested topics listed here are in principle intended as theses for BSc (Bachelor of Science) and MSc (Master of Science) or as student research projects (SA). Students are also welcome to propose their own ideas and suggestions.
To support the students who are writing their theses at the Chair of Spatial and Infrastructure Planning, we offer regular meetings on a voluntary basis, where we provide the students with guidance on how to write their theses and where they can present and discuss their current state of work.
Further topics can be found on the page of the Chair of Land Management.
Title | Degree | Contact person |
Social Media Data Mining als Instrument zur Bewertung der Zufriedenheit mit Infrastrukturdiensten Social media data mining as a tool to assess user satisfaction with infrastructure services |
B.Sc. / M.Sc. | M.Sc. Nadine Schröder |
A45 durch den Odenwald – ein Glückfall oder eine vertane Chance A45 motorway through the Odenwald – a stroke of luck or a missed opportunity |
M.Sc. | Prof. Linke |
Management of the technical infrastructures in the development of new residential areas | B.Sc. |
Prof. H.-J. Linke |
Management of the technical infrastructures in the development of new business parks | B.Sc. |
Prof. H.-J. Linke |
Title | Degree | Contact person |
Die Energiewende im ländlichen Raum – Herausforderungen und Lösungsansätze für Kommunikation und Partizipation The energy transition in rural areas – challenges and solutions for communication and participation |
B.Sc. / M.Sc. | M.Sc. Nadine Schröder |
Fallstudienanalyse zu neuen Nahwärmenetzen – Herausforderungen und Best Practices Case study analysis of new local heating networks – challenges and best practices |
B.Sc. / M.Sc. | M.Sc. Nadine Schröder |
Kommunale Wärmeplanung in Deutschland und Europa Municipal heat planning in Germany and Europe |
B.Sc. / M.Sc. | M.Sc. Nadine Schröder |
Vergleichende Untersuchung kommunaler Wärmeplanungen in Deutschland– Herausforderungen und Best Practices Comparative study of municipal heat planning in Germany – challenges and best practices |
B.Sc. / M.Sc. | M.Sc. Nadine Schröder |
Network expansion and federal planning |
B.Sc. M.Sc. SA |
Prof. H.-J. Linke |
Title | Degree | Contact person |
Dealing with heavy rain events in new development areas |
M.Sc. SA |
Prof. H.-J. Linke |
Dealing with heavy rain events in existing building areas |
M.Sc. SA |
Prof. H.-J. Linke |
Dealing with precipitation and gray water in new development areas |
M.Sc. SA |
Prof. H.-J. Linke |
Dealing with precipitation and gray water in existing building areas |
M.Sc. SA |
Prof. H.-J. Linke |
Title | Degree | Contact person |
Title | Degree | Contact person |
Kritische Infrastrukturen in marginalisierten und instabilen urbanen Räumen – Energiearmut Critical infrastructure in marginalized and unstable urban areas – Energy poverty |
M.Sc. / B.Sc. | M.Sc. Rebecca James |
Title | Degree | Contact person | Short description |
Straßenraum im Siedlungsbereich – Funktionen und Auswirkungen Street space in urban areas – functions and effects |
B.Sc. |
Prof. H.-J. Linke |
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Grünflächen im Siedlungsbereich – Funktionen und Auswirkungen Green spaces in urban areas – functions and effects |
B.Sc. |
Prof. H.-J. Linke |
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Gemeinbedarfseinrichtungen im Siedlungsbereich – Funktionen und Auswirkungen Communal facilities in residential areas – functions and effects |
B.Sc. |
Prof. H.-J. Linke |
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Ver- und Entsorgungseinrichtungen im Siedlungsbereich – Funktionen und Auswirkungen Supply and disposal facilities in residential areas – functions and effects |
B.Sc. |
Prof. H.-J. Linke |
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Analyse des Beteiligungsprozesses bei der Freiraumplanung der Lichtwiese Analysis of the Participation Process in the Open Space Planning of Lichtwiese |
M.Sc. |
Prof. H.-J. Linke |
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Chancen der Digitalisierung für die weitere Entwicklung des ländlichen Raumes – untersucht an einem ausgewählten Landkreis in Südhessen Opportunities of digitalisation for the further development of rural areas – examined in a selected district in southern Hesse |
B.Sc. / M.Sc. |
Prof. Dr. habil. Jan Hilligardt |
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Die Metropolregionen Frankfurt/Rhein-Main und Rhein-Neckar im Vergleich A comparison of the Frankfurt/Rhine-Main and Rhine-Neckar metropolitan regions |
B.Sc. / M.Sc. |
Prof. Dr. habil. Jan Hilligardt |
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Die Nutzung von Minecraft als Tool für Bürgerbeteiligung in der Stadtplanung Using Minecraft as a tool for participatory urban planning |
B.Sc. | M.Sc. Nadine Schröder | |
Nutzungspotenzial von Dachflächen zur nachhaltigen Stadtentwicklung – Fallbeispiel Vietnam / Potential use of roof areas for sustainable urban development – case study Vietnam | M.Sc. |
Prof. H.-J. Linke |
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Aufbau einer Systematik zur Identifizierung von Innenentwicklungspotenzialen bei Gewerbegebieten / Establishment of a system for the identification of inner development potentials in commercial areas | M.Sc. |
Prof. H.-J. Linke |
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Bauleitplanerische und bodenordnerische Realisierung von Innenentwicklungspotenzialen bei Gewerbegebieten / Realisation of internal development potential in commercial areas through urban development planning and land use planning | M.Sc. |
Prof. H.-J. Linke |
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Bestimmung des nutzergruppenspezifischen Wohnraumbedarfs einer Gemeinde / Determining the user group-specific housing needs of a municipality | M.Sc. |
Prof. H.-J. Linke |
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Urban Gardening in der Stadtentwicklung / Urban gardening in urban development | B.Sc. |
Prof. H.-J. Linke |
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