
Study with us

With our teaching, we impart knowledge about spatial development processes at the urban and regional level and meet current challenges in spatial development and urban planning.

We deal with political and planning framework conditions and highlight participants, instruments and methods of spatial and infrastructure planning.

Learning content and target groups

The chair pursues an interdisciplinary approach that is tailored to students of architecture, civil-, economic- and environmental engineering as well as geoscientific and social science disciplines. Due to the international orientation with an offer of English modules, students of the master's courses Sustainable Urban Development, Energy Science and Engineering as well as Traffic and Transport are addressed in particular.

In addition to the basic lectures, we therefore deal in more depth with current challenges such as the consequences of demographic change, global environmental problems or the effects of climate change in research and problem-oriented seminars using concrete case studies and work with the students to develop solutions for a socially acceptable, economically viable one and ecological spatial, urban and infrastructure development.